Friday, December 23, 2011

A New Milestone

Today I did some shopping.  Since there was quite a crowd, I did lots of standing and walking, esp in Wal-Mart.  Before my surgery, I would have been in terrible pain after a day like this.  Yet now, I have only fatigue and soreness from all of the activity, since I am not used to it.  But no terrible pain like before!!  PTL!!  I am believing in my healing, and it keeps being proven to me over and over, with each passing day!  Bless You, L-rd, My Healer.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Check Out My New Blog

The Drash Pit!!

For thoughts on connecting with Our Creator through events in daily life.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pressing On!

As I am walking around, and going about my daily business, I have to remind myself that I can do things I didn't normally do!  It's like a bird who's been in a cage for a long time, and then one day the door is left open.  The bird is hesitant, but eventually makes it way to the door, and out into the world!!  It is amazing to contemplate the transformation I have undergone - at the L-rd's hands!!  This weekend I met a lady who has back trouble, and she was having trouble walking.  I got to pray and lay hands on her, with another prayer partner.  That was so gratifying, b/c I am a walking testimony of how the L-rd heals!!!  Thank You, Abba!! 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

PRAISE THE L-RD, I'M HEALED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE DANCING IS EXHILARATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Clarity of Thought

It is refreshing how I can think clearly, now that I have the peace of mind that my back is ok.  Today after I found out, things just started pouring into my mind, things I need to do, and my pen couldn't write fast enough!  Before today, I had a mental fog, such that I forgot appointments, couldn't organize my thoughts easily.  My energy and motivation seem increased now, even counter-acting my fatigue level!  I didn't realize the problem until being on the other side!  Incredible!


What an amazing God!  He healed me, miraculously!!  Just in case you don't believe it, let me tell you what happened.  When I had surgery, the doctor was impressed that when she came to see me in the hospital the next day, that I was sitting up in a chair (apparently that was a milestone).  She said herself, "Amazing!"  Then, when I went home, the nurse said to gradually increase my walking a little at a time.  Well, the first couple of weeks I was walking around the neighborhood with my friends, and my family.  When I went for my 2 week follow-up, the nurse said, "Now I want you to try to walk even further than you have been since your surgery.  Try to even go to your mailbox."  I looked at her incredulously, like, Are you kidding?  I didn't tell her I had been walking around the neighborhood, I didn't want to get in trouble!! LOL
Anyway, I was supposed to wear my brace for 12 weeks.  At 8 weeks, I stopped wearing it b/c it didn't fit, and it hurt more to wear it than it did to not wear it.  I still refrained from bending, lifting, and twisting.  The last couple of weeks, I have done a few exercises that I learned in physical therapy, and have weaned off of pain pills.  For my 12 week follow up, the MD said, "Ok, now it's time to stop wearing your brace.  You need to start doing some simple exercises, and you may be a little sore for a few weeks.  You'll have to gradually get used to not wearing the brace over the course of 2 weeks.  Your X-Rays look wonderful, I couldn't be more pleased with the results!  You even have some fuzzy-looking bone growth beginning, which usually doesn't show up until 6 months."  Then I told her I had stopped wearing my brace, and had started some exercises already, and had felt some soreness.  How amazing!!  How did I know to do this?  The L-rd knew, that's for sure, He is the Blessed Controller of All Things!!!  I told you He is!!!  It's a miracle!!  And the great thing is, that now I can return to NORMAL ACTIVITY!!!!  How awesome!  That means dancing, working, cleaning, praying on my knees, wearing love glasses-LOL =) .   Our God really is an awesome GOD!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Click on Song #11 - May this song minister to you as it has to me

A Breath of Fresh Air

It is great to be able to think clearly again, after getting off pain medication!  Thank the Lord!!  He has healed me, and for that I am forever grateful.  Mind, body, and spirit are all being renewed and refreshed!  What a marvelous thing!  Do I sound excited?  That's because I am-with a true joy that the Lord has given me. 

Someone told me today that I had a strong spiritual connection.  I took that as a compliment, and the Lord is the only one who can receive the glory for that.  Baruch HaShem!

May you be blessed by our Heavenly Father with immeasurable strength to deal with whatever it is you are going through.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

This year has already been an amazing Thanksgiving, and there's still more to go!  Fellowshipping with family and friends has been a delight.  I have gotten messages from people who are thankful for ME, and that brings joy to my heart!  Knowing that I have been a blessing to someone makes all the painful experiences worthwhile, b/c I know that without them, I wouldn't be the same person to be that blessing.  Giving thanks is appropriate any season.  Giving the L-rd a thanks offering is an acceptable offering in His sight.  Thanking others is also thanking Him.  (Matthew 25:40).
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Continually Learning

I have to say that the past year has taught me so much, about endurance, tenacity, and what is important in life.  But each day brings a new nugget of wisdom from the Almighty.  Just this week I have learned things about myself that I had no idea were there.  I think the L-rd is turning me over and over in the fire, refining me as gold.  Areas that would have been too painful to deal with a month ago, or even a year ago, now I am able to constructively deal with and work on.  I'm confident there will be more to work on in the future.  Philippians 3:14

A New Season, One of Thanks

One more week, and my recovery period will be officially OVER!!!!  I still have a little soreness and sciatica, but I can stand for hours, and walk all over with no ill effects!  I am so thankful for that miracle.  And I am tremendously thankful for my faithful prayer warriors, who have been so diligent, sacrificially giving of their time to intercede on my behalf.  You are a blessing from G-d!! 
Additionally, many, many people came out and brought me food, flowers, balloons, cards, and cleaned my house.  They sent e-mails and texts to find out how I was doing on a daily basis.  They continue to ask me to lunch.  They come up to me when they see me, and say, "How's your back?"  It is evident that Yeshua breathed life into my body, b/c now I am refreshed and renewed, by His power.  He poured out an ocean of blessings upon me to surround me, and keep me during that time.  I don't believe I could have made it without His lovingkindness.  His love is endless!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Medical equipment is huge business

I didn't realize how many gadgets and gizmos there were out there on the market for people with various types of disabilities.  There are devices to help someone put their shoes on without having to bend down and touch them.  There are poles with hooks to help you put on your clothes without reaching.  There is even a thingy with a handle which grasps toilet paper, so one can wipe unmentionables without reaching.  I'm glad there is all that stuff out there, I'm just not sure I want so much clutter in my house.  I'm one who likes to get creative and devise ways of doing things without having a doo-dad for everything. 
I've been watching episodes of "Clean House" on Netflix, and people have some major clutter going on in some homes in America.  It is really a mental illness.  But the crew really does a great job helping the people straighten up their houses, and even their lives at times.  It is a good service, and it is fun to watch.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

On the downhill slide

Not long to go now.  I'm looking forward to doing things I haven't been able to do in years!  I'm also looking forward to getting a job and being a part of something bigger than myself!  Looking forward to getting off the pain pills!!  Looking forward to routine, normalcy, and sensible living.  Looking forward to walking for miles and miles!  Looking forward to sitting without hurting, twirling, bending - what a concept!  Looking forward to being able to pay my bills!  Looking forward to gardening, cleaning (it's amazing what I took for granted), shopping for long hours without hurting.  Looking forward to caring for others instead of others caring for me!  To stand up and sit down without having to grunt.  To hold my son in my lap without hurting.  To walk normally again, instead of waddling!  To get up in the morning without being sore!  To do a lot in one day without waking up in knots the next day!  To walk around the neighborhood!!  Oh, the possibilities!!!

Anyone who visits me gets to sign my blanket!  LOL 

Thank you, Yeshua!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Finally a Date is Set

Haha - that title sounds like I'm getting married or something LOL!!!

I am blessed to have my surgery date now, and everything is shaping up nicely.  Wow, that takes a HUGE burden off my mind.  Did I mention it was HUGE???  I'm telling you, that had me so stressed out.  It was difficult to find time to pray about it since I spend so much time sleeping or answering to "MOMMY!!"  But here I am on the other side of the months of waiting, and it is just weeks away.  Thank You, sweet L-rd.  Now for the preparation.  Actually I don't know a lot about how I need to prepare my environment, etc.  I know I will need a few grabber thingys to be able to pick things up off the floor.  Anyway, this blog has begun a new chapter - PRE-OP.

P.S.  Thank you to all of the wonderful people who have been praying for me - pray that I will be able to be adequately prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually for the surgery.  Thanks a bunch!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

I Made It, Praise the Lord!

Last week was good, I was able to get around without much problem.  There was an elevator, so I didn't have to go up and down 3 flights of stairs several times a day, which would really aggravate my problem.  Sitting was a problem, and there were certain rooms I couldn't sit for long in b/c of the type of seats.  Also some of the sessions were very long, and required lots of sitting.  The sessions were great, so I was able to be distracted somewhat from the pain.  Additionally I got up and walked around a good bit.  My medication made me really sleepy, so I missed several early morning activities, and one afternoon activity.  I slept through a couple of sessions!  But overall I did OK, and I thank the Lord for the opportunity to go.  Also I was prayed over several times for healing.  Prayer is always requested! 
Only 2 more weeks to my next appointment, which is when I will find out my surgery date. 
I've been telling people that my back problem in a way is an answer to a prayer that I prayed, in which I asked the Lord to show me in a clear way whether I was to stay with dance, or get more involoved in music.  He definitely answered, and now I am headed down a different path, one that I would never imagined was possible!  Baruch HaShem!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ready and Waiting

The waiting...and more waiting...this experience is definitely testing my patience.  I hope it's not much longer, b/c all of this inactivity has helped to cause me to grow out of my clothes.  I just got rid of my "big" clothes!  And my blood pressure is high every time I go to the doctor.  Wait, I think I remember hearing that GOD is the Blessed Controller of All Things... there is nothing that I am going through that He hasn't allowed.  That is what keeps me going, knowing that Adonai is in control.  This month will fly by, if the last month is any indication.  I'd better focus on getting ready...!!!  Am I really ready?  Actually, yes, but my house is a disaster.  Well, it's a good time to teach the boys how to clean!! 

Friday, June 17, 2011


Today I had my discogram, complete with disco ball and of course dancing.  LOL!!  Anyway, the doctor confirmed that the damaged disc is indeed the source of my pain.  The next step is surgery, which will be several weeks down the road.  She said that since I am young (age is all relative!!), I should do really well, and be able to go back to doing all of the things that I love.  Hallelujah!!!!!  I will have a 3-month recovery time, complete with wearing a soft brace to support my spine.  Walking is encouraged.  Super!!!  I haven't been able to walk for more than an hour and a half in what seems like an eternity.  I will be cruisin.  Once again, Hallelujah!!!!  Thank you, L-rd, for your continued guidance in my situation.  You really are the Blessed Controller of All Things!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Another Test, An Additional Diagnosis

Well, today went well, in spite of my nerves.  Praise the L-rd for my portable mp3 player, that helped so much!  The MD was super-nice, and she told me that she needed one more test before scheduling surgery, just to be doubly sure of the cause of my symptoms.  So I go to the OR soon for another long needle poke, this time with sedation!  Then she goes on vacation, so my surgery probably won't be until mid-July at the earliest.  That means I can go to the you-know-what the first week of July!!!  Doing cabbage patch dance, oh, wait, better not do that, or I might hurt worse. 
Also I officially have Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease.

Today's the Day

Ok, today I see the actual neurosurgeon.  All this waiting and building up to the appointment is not helping.  I'm praying for calm nerves and presence of mind when I go in there.  I mean, really, why get worried over an appointment where I find out whether or not I'll be "out of commission" for months?  Calgon, take me away............

Sunday, June 5, 2011

More Background

My lower back has been giving me problems for 10 years.  For almost all of those years, the intermittent pain seemed to be coming from somewhere else besides my spine.  However, it is apparent now that this process was progressing all along, with many variations in the symptoms.  Had I known what was going on, perhaps I could have avoided the situation I am in now.  However,  G-d is the "Blessed Controller of All Things," and He has a reason that events have transpired as they have.  Surgery is likely in the future for me.  The L-rd has been preparing me for this event, as well, in His blessed power, through having a few other surgeries, and also by being a nurse, by observing people recover from similar surgeries.  It is amazing how in His plan, "all things work together for good to those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Late November 2010:  I was hurting in my lower back after dancing.  Successive tries to dance over the next few days left me no better.  After many years of intermittent back pain, it was finally time to see a doctor.